Agile and DevOps So Far

The old saying about the one thing that we can all count on as a constant is change?  This year has definitely been more than enough change for me, I’ve had multiple adjusts to our Agile methodology, new projects, new responsibilities, new team members and four different changes in leadership and on and on and … Continue reading

Career Transitions – What now?

You’ve probably guessed by now that I really love planning and I’ll admit that it’s a fairly accurate assessment.  I enjoy taking an idea and laying out the steps, knowing what needs to happen next and even knowing what to do if it all fails.  My personality isn’t particularly open to uncertainty, and that covers … Continue reading

January 2017 Goals

Some of this may look familiar, I was a fairly optimistic planner for December and given the amount of time off we all had to use up it really wasn’t feasible. Lesson learned. Projects MOSS07 Decommission Prep January will bring the demise of our SharePoint 2007 environment.  We spent many years, five I believe, converting … Continue reading

Team Building Diagnostics

Many years ago, I bought this team building guide from Accel. At $12.99 it has paid for itself many times over. It’s remarkably helpful when identifying issues and finding solutions to the common obstacles teams face. The 129-page guide isn’t a light read but if you’re committed to building a strong and cohesive team, it … Continue reading